Crime in the City
On the other Ewan's blog he has a post about Crime Figures.
I was looking through the Scottish Executive statistical bulletin which was published just last month (Not the most exciting part of my job I have to admit……) And I was struck by the crime figures about Edinburgh.
At a time when everyone believes crime is worse – the figures show it's actually getting better. And that’s not just this year. Violent crime in Edinburgh has fallen for the past four years, down by a quarter in total.
Of course the guid coonsillor forgets to mention what we all know that most crime goes unreported. Especially white-collar crimes like the one that took place in the Edinburgh Lifelong Learning Partnership/City Connect fiasco - remember Ewan, the missing £400,000.00 that the auditors told you about and you just tried to sweep under the carpet.
We won't even mention the lies to an Evening News reporter saying he hadn't deleted comments - is that a crime?
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